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How do you Unit Test a Zend_Form that includes the CSRF form element?

I'm using the CSRF hidden hash element with Zend_Form and trying to Unit Test the login but don't know how to write a Unit Test to include that element. Looked in the docs and read as many tutorials as I could find. I even delicioused them all, but no one mentions this.

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joedevon Avatar asked Jul 10 '09 18:07


2 Answers

Csrf value is generated each time form is rendered. Hidden element of the form gets prefilled with that value. This value also gets stored in session. After submitting form, validation checks if value posted from the form is stored in session, if not then validation fails. It is essential, that form must be rendered during the test (so it can generate the hidden value and store it to session), then we can extract what is the hidden value out of rendered html, and later we can add hidden hash value into our request. Consider this example:

function testAddPageStoreValidData()
    // render the page with form 

    // fetch content of the page 
    $html = $this->getResponse()->getBody();

    // parse page content, find the hash value prefilled to the hidden element
    $dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($html);
    $csrf = $dom->query('#csrf')->current()->getAttribute('value');

    // reset tester for one more request

    // now include $csrf value parsed from form, to the next request

    // ...
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Luke 10X Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Luke 10X

The correct hash is stored in the session, and the Hash form element has a Zend_Session_Namespace instance which contains the namespace for the hash.

To unit test the element, you would replace the Zend_Session_Namespace instance in the element (with setSession) with one you create yourself which contains the correct hash (the hash is stored in key "hash")

For further examples you could probably look at the Zend Framework unit tests for the Zend_Form_Element_Hash class. I would assume they have had to deal with this as well.

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Jani Hartikainen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Jani Hartikainen