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How do you store a trie in a relational database?

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Is there STL for trie?

The so-called trie data structure poses an interesting way to store data in an easily searchable manner. When segmenting sentences of text into lists of words, it is often possible to combine the first few words that some sentences have in common.

How do you insert trie?

Inserting a key into Trie is a simple approach. Every character of the input key is inserted as an individual Trie node. Note that the children is an array of pointers (or references) to next level trie nodes. The key character acts as an index to the array children.

How do you store a trie in a database?

The materialized path in the tree is the prefixed sequence of characters itself. This also forms the primary key. The size of the varchar column is the maximum depth of trie you want to store. I can't think of anything more simple and straightforward than that, and it preserves efficient string storage and searching.

Which database is best for tree structure?

MongoDB allows various ways to use tree data structures to model large hierarchical or nested data relationships. Presents a data model that organizes documents in a tree-like structure by storing references to "parent" nodes in "child" nodes.

How about the Materialized Path design?

  path VARCHAR(<maxdepth>) PRIMARY KEY,
  ...other attributes of a tree node...

To store a word like "stackoverflow":

  ('s'), ('st'), ('sta'), ('stac'), ('stack'),
  ('stacko'), ('stackov'), ('stackove'), ('stackover'),
  ('stackover'), ('stackoverf'), ('stackoverflo'),

The materialized path in the tree is the prefixed sequence of characters itself. This also forms the primary key. The size of the varchar column is the maximum depth of trie you want to store.

I can't think of anything more simple and straightforward than that, and it preserves efficient string storage and searching.