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How do you set the text in an NSTextField?

setStringValue: is the way to do it. You should make sure your outlet is being set properly. (In the debugger, make sure your textfield variable is not null.)

Just do something like this:

myLabel.stringValue = @"My Cool Text";

Just myLabel.stringValue = "MY TEXT" works here, using Swift and Xcode 6.

Swift 4

self.yourTextField.stringValue = "Your_Value"

Note: Fetching value from self.yourTextField.stringValue at that will get warning message i.e. Warning Message To avoid this kind of warning you can use like this (suggested way)

DispatchQueue.main.async {
 your code ... 

OR also refer to this.

If the value you're trying to set happens to be an integer rather than a string, you don't need to convert the integer value to a string manually; you can just call:

myLabel.integerValue = i;

The integerValue property is defined on NSTextField's parent class, NSControl. See that linked documentation page for a full list of methods it supports.