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How do you set the maven artifact ID of a gradle project?




From the gradle maven-publish plugin's documentation, it's clear that you set the groupId and version of the project directly in build.gradle:

group = 'org.gradle.sample' version = '1.0' 

However, the artifactId appears to be taken from the name of the folder you are working within. Is there a way to set the artifactId explicitly?

like image 501
Armand Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 14:07


People also ask

What is artifact ID in Gradle?

The artifact ID defaults to the project name configured in settings. gradle , which in turn defaults to the project directory's name. You'll need the appropriate plugin. plugins { id 'maven-publish' } Follow this answer to receive notifications.

What is group ID and artifact ID in Gradle?

In Gradle, the groupId is known just as group , the artifactId is known as name , and the version is identically version .

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To convert Maven to Gradle, the only step is to run gradle init in the directory containing the POM. This will convert the Maven build to a Gradle build, generating a settings. gradle file and one or more build.

2 Answers

From 36.2.3. Identity values in the generated POM

publishing {     publications {         maven(MavenPublication) {             groupId 'org.gradle.sample'             artifactId 'project1-sample'             version '1.1'              from components.java         }     } } 

The artifact ID defaults to the project name configured in settings.gradle, which in turn defaults to the project directory's name.

You'll need the appropriate plugin.

plugins {     id 'maven-publish' } 
like image 94
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Peter Niederwieser

Related to the root settings.gradle file, you can change the name of the root project with:

rootProject.name = 'myproject' 

But if you want to change the name of a sub-project (for example, the default "app" sub-project of an AndroidStudio project), you can do something like this, still in the root settings.gradle file:

rootProject.children.each {     it.name = ('app' == it.name ? 'MyAppName' : it.name) } 
like image 21
Alex Dommasch Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Alex Dommasch