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How do you select all records from a mongodb collection in golang using mgo


In MongoDB doing something like db.mycollection.find() returns all documents in a collection.

When working in GoLang using the package labix.org/v2/mgo and I do for example:

query := db.C("client").Find(); 

It complains that it requires input in the form of an interface. All I need to do is retrieve all documents and iterate through them and display each one for now. How do I achieve this effect? All examples I have seen seem to have filters in place.

like image 588
Dean Avatar asked Jul 10 '14 15:07


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How fetch all data from collection in MongoDB?

Fetch all data from the collection If we want to fetch all documents from the collection the following mongodb command can be used : >db. userdetails. find(); or >db.

Which method is used to query data from MongoDB collection?

The find() Method To query data from MongoDB collection, you need to use MongoDB's find() method.

Which query object selects all documents in a MongoDB collection?

The $all operator selects the documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified elements. To specify an $all expression, use the following prototype: { <field>: { $all: [ <value1> , <value2> ... ] } }

1 Answers

Found a solution:

    var results []client      err := db.C("client").Find(nil).All(&results)     if err != nil {         // TODO: Do something about the error     } else {         fmt.Println("Results All: ", results)      } 
like image 116
Dean Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
