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How do you scroll up/down on the console of a Linux VM [closed]

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How do you scroll up in VM console?

As with many things in Linux, the ability to scroll up and down within your terminal depends on the specific terminal you are using. For most users, you should be able to scroll up and down, one line at a time using Shift+UpArrow or Shift+DownArrow. To jump an entire page at a time, try Shift+PageUp or Shift+PageDown.

How do you scroll up in Linux terminal VM?

In the Linux terminal, you can scroll up by page using the Shift + PageUp shortcut. And to scroll down in the terminal, use Shift + PageDown. To go up or down in the terminal by line, use Ctrl + Shift + Up or Ctrl + Shift + Down respectively.

How do I scroll up in terminal without a mouse?

I think it may vary depending on the terminal software, but try CTRL + SHIFT + up arrow. You can also shift and use page up/down.

SHIFT+Page Up and SHIFT+Page Down. If it doesn't work try this and then it should:

Go the terminal program, and make sure
Edit/Profile Preferences/Scrolling/Scrollback/Unlimited
is checked.

The exact location of this option might be somewhere different though, I see that you are using Redhat.

Shift+Fn+ UP or DOWN on a Macbook will allow you to scroll.

Alternative: you can use the less command.

Type in console:

"your_command" | less   

This will allow you to scroll with the up and down arrow keys.

Basically your output has been piped with the less command.


Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Unlike Shift + Page Up or Page Down, which scrolls the entire page, this will help with a smoother line-by-line scrolling, which is exactly what I was looking for.

SHIFT + Page Up and SHIFT + Page Down are the correct keys to operate on the linux (virtual) console, but vmware console doesn't have those terminal settings. The virtual console has fixed scroll back size, it sounds like it's limited to video memory size according to this Linux virtual console Scrolling behavior documentation.

Another alternative, that might be already installed on your system is to use GNU screen :

# This starts screen which adds basic window management in terminals

# This starts the copy mode you can use to scroll
<CTRL-A> [

# Now use the arrows to scroll

# To exit copy mode, do

See man screen for much more useful options (multiple windows, ...)...