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How do you schedule a daily script run on Windows XP?

I wrote a script in Ruby. I'd like to run it every day at a certain time. How do you do that on a Windows XP system?

I poked around on the machine and discovered the "scheduled tasks" control panel, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with running scripts, as far as I can tell from the options offered by the "wizard".

like image 603
Ethan Avatar asked Jan 14 '09 23:01


People also ask

Is there Task Scheduler on Windows XP?

Top: The Task Scheduler keeps a calendar for Windows XP. Tasks appear in the schedule when you enter them manually or when other programs (such as the Maintenance Wizard) set them up. You can use the Task Scheduler window to add, modify, or remove tasks.

How do I create a scheduled script?

Open Start, Search for "Task Scheduler" and press enter to open "Task Scheduler". Right-click on the "Task Scheduler Library" and click on the "New Folder" option. Enter the name of the New folder and click on the "OK" button. Navigate the following: Task Scheduler Library > New Folder, then click on "Create Task".

1 Answers

Scheduled Tasks. Sometimes, you have to make a batch file call the script, and schedule the batch.

say you have "script.vbs" you want to run, you will have to create this batch:

cscript script.vbs

cscript is the windows script host which interprets the vbs script. I'm sure ruby has something similar.

like image 178
scottm Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
