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How do you rename a table in SQLite 3.0?



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How do I edit a table in SQLite?

Summary. Use the ALTER TABLE statement to modify the structure of an existing table. Use ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_name statement to rename a table. Use ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_definition statement to add a column to a table.

How do I RENAME a column in SQLite?

It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table. The sqlite file format is very simple and that's why this operation is valid.

Which command is used to RENAME a table in SQL?

Running The Alter Command Click the SQL tab at the top. In the text box, enter the following command: ALTER TABLE exampletable RENAME TO new_table_name; Replace exampletable with your table's name and replace new_table_name with the new name for your table.


SQLite Query Language: ALTER TABLE

The answer remains to use "ALTER TABLE". But the main documentation page on this topic is pretty thick. What is needed is a simple example of how that works. You can find that here: https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-alter-table/

To be precise, in the most basic case it looks like this:

ALTER TABLE existing_table
RENAME TO new_table;

I am not sure if the dot notation works, but I assume that the following is also correct:

ALTER TABLE existing_database.existing_table
RENAME TO new_database.new_table;