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How do you protect code from leaking outside? [duplicate]

Besides open-sourcing your project and legislation, are there ways to prevent, or at least minimize the damages of code leaking outside your company/group?

We obviously can't block Internet access (to prevent emailing the code) because programmer's need their references. We also can't block peripheral devices (USB, Firewire, etc.)

The code matters most when it has some proprietary algorithms and in-house developed knowledge (as opposed to regular routine code to draw GUIs, connect to databases, etc.), but some applications (like accounting software and CRMs) are just that: complex collections of routine code that are simple to develop in principle, but will take years to write from scratch. This is where leaked code will come in handy to competitors.

As far as I see it, preventing leakage relies almost entirely on human process. What do you think? What precautions and measures are you taking? And has code leakage affected you before?

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rami Avatar asked Oct 06 '08 11:10


3 Answers

You can't stop it getting out. So two solutions - stop people wanting to hurt you, and have legal precautions. To stop people hating you treat them right (saying more is probably off topic for stack overflow).

I'm not a lawyer, but to give yourself legal protection, if you believe in it, patent the ideas, put a copyright notice in the code, and make sure the contracts for your programmers specify carefully intellectual property rights.

But at the end of the day, the answer is run quicker than the competition.

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Nick Fortescue Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Nick Fortescue

Unless you're working with something highly classified and given that you can't block email and USB devices I guess you aren't there's really not to much damage to be had even if the source code leaks. The thing is, what is the code, or parts of it worth without the knowledge of how it works and the organization around it.

In general the value of "source" is much less than is commonly touted, basicly the source without the people or the organization isn't worth the storage it occupies for a competitor.

Also, you're missing the most likely attack vector, and it's also the one you can't stop no matter what. If someone really really want's to know how you made your magic then they'll try to hire your developers away, and since you can't stop them from having information inside their skull and even if they turn in all their possesions ther knowledge and domain expertise is leaving with them. Basicly employee retention and trust is the only way. Sorry.

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Torbjörn Gyllebring Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Torbjörn Gyllebring

I don't know how much actual help this is going to be, but:

  1. Don't p*ss your programmers off. Don't get them in a position where they want to give the source to a competitor. Most places undervalue their developers. Given where you are (SO), I guess you are less likely to. Nothing got to me more than seeing the sales folks out for games of golf - paid, and paid for, by the company - while we had to fight to get pizza once a month.

  2. Really, if your direct competitors got your code today, what would it do? Is your product or vertical market that stagnant that you wouldn't release newer, better versions before they could react? Is there no room for innovation? Most companies overvalue their "proprietary algorithms and in-house developed knowledge". Sure, it may cut some time off, but it's only about 10% of the problem.

  3. If you got all the source for all your competitors products, how much actual use would it be? I'd guess it would set you back months. Not forward. Back.

If you had a clean system, and little external/internal knowledge, how long would it take you to get your own product into a buildable state? How long would it take to drill down into the code and workout what is going on? How much time and money would you waste trying to work something out, rather than spending time and money on how to make your product work better?

I've actually been in the position of having all the source - 1million lines+ of code - to a competitor's product. We did nothing with it - aside from a bit of a poke-around and then delete it, which was more than I was comfortable with - but I would expect that we'd have chewed up months of time just to get to where they were then.

So we nuked it, slapped the id10t who got it (yes, a developer/PM who came over from the other company), and thought about how to make our product kick so much butt that it didn't matter what they did. Much better use of time. Worked well, too. We had differentiators, not just re-hashing the same features in the same way they did them.

Sorry, but there is no way you can stop people getting stuff out, and still be able to actually work. You can stop them wanting to do it, or make it so there is no value to them having it.

We were worried about people decompiling our code too. We stopped worrying when we realised that WE had enough trouble working out what was going on inside 500K+ lines of C#, C++ and HTML code talking to MAPI/Exchange. If someone can decompile it and work it out, then we want to hire them......

BTW, for clarity, and given who I now work for, I should point out this is not my current employer. This was quite a while ago.

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Nic Wise Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Nic Wise