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How do you map Kinect's depth data to its RGB color?

I'm working with a given dataset using OpenCV, without any Kinect by my side. And I would like to map the given depth data to its RGB counterpart (so that I can get the actual color and the depth)

Since I'm using OpenCV and C++, and don't own a Kinect, sadly I can't utilize MapDepthFrameToColorFrame method from the official Kinect API.

From the given cameras' intrinsics and distortion coefficients, I could map the depth to world coordinates, and back to RGB based on the algorithm provided here

Vec3f depthToW( int x, int y, float depth ){
    Vec3f result;
    result[0] = (float) (x - depthCX) * depth / depthFX;
    result[1] = (float) (y - depthCY) * depth / depthFY;
    result[2] = (float) depth;
    return result;

Vec2i wToRGB( const Vec3f & point ) {
    Mat p3d( point );
    p3d = extRotation * p3d + extTranslation;

    float x = p3d.at<float>(0, 0);
    float y = p3d.at<float>(1, 0);
    float z = p3d.at<float>(2, 0);

    Vec2i result;
    result[0] = (int) round( (x * rgbFX / z) + rgbCX );
    result[1] = (int) round( (y * rgbFY / z) + rgbCY );
    return result;

void map( Mat& rgb, Mat& depth ) {
    /* intrinsics are focal points and centers of camera */
    undistort( rgb, rgb, rgbIntrinsic, rgbDistortion );
    undistort( depth, depth, depthIntrinsic, depthDistortion );

    Mat color = Mat( depth.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar(0) );
    ushort * raw_image_ptr;

    for( int y = 0; y < depth.rows; y++ ) {
        raw_image_ptr = depth.ptr<ushort>( y );

        for( int x = 0; x < depth.cols; x++ ) {
            if( raw_image_ptr[x] >= 2047 || raw_image_ptr[x] <= 0 )

            float depth_value = depthMeters[ raw_image_ptr[x] ];
            Vec3f depth_coord = depthToW( y, x, depth_value );
            Vec2i rgb_coord   = wToRGB( depth_coord );
            color.at<Vec3b>(y, x) = rgb.at<Vec3b>(rgb_coord[0], rgb_coord[1]);

But the result seems to be misaligned. I can't manually set the translations, since the dataset is obtained from 3 different Kinects, and each of them are misaligned in different direction. You could see one of it below (Left: undistorted RGB, Middle: undistorted Depth, Right: mapped RGB to Depth)

enter image description here

My question is, what should I do at this point? Did I miss a step while trying to project either depth to world or world back to RGB? Can anyone who has experienced with stereo camera point out my missteps?

like image 862
sub_o Avatar asked Jun 09 '13 18:06


1 Answers

I assume you would need to calibrate the depth sensor with the RGB data in the same way you would calibrate a stereo cameras. OpenCV has some functions (and tutorials) that you may be able to leverage.

A few other things that may be useful

  1. http://www.ros.org/wiki/kinect_calibration/technical
  2. https://github.com/robbeofficial/KinectCalib
  3. http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/linkexchange/links/2882-kinect-calibration-toolbox This contains a paper on how to do it.
like image 167
Bull Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
