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How do you make diagrams of memory and data structures?





I have to create a short program in C that manipulates strings, but I always run into some weird pointer errors. While K&R is a great reference on the language, and I often look at it when I am puzzled it already assumes you are an adequate programmer.

The lecturer that teaches us programming said that good programmers make nice diagrams on these stuff but I have no idea how to do it. Can you recommend a good book or lectures on this?

Thanks, I will appreciate every answer I get.

like image 598
Dimitar Avatar asked Mar 29 '09 16:03


People also ask

What are memory diagrams?

A memory diagram represents the state of objects in memory at a particular point in the execution of a program. Thus, a series of memory diagrams illustrates how the state of objects changes during the execution of that code.

What is a memory diagram in Java?

the memory diagram is a visualization of the heap space that is allocated to the java virtual machine (JVM) at run time.

2 Answers

I echo the suggestion of drawing them on paper first and then, if you feel the need, you can include an ascii version of them into the code.

I normally use these three formats:

to reason about memory:

   0  |        |  <- start
   1  |        |  <- q  scans from start to end
      ~  ..... ~
      |        |  <- end
      +--------+  \
      |        |  |
      +--------+  |__ rest of the
      ~  ..... ~  |   allocated memory
  n   |        |  |
      +--------+ /

to reason about strings:

    0               n
   +--+-- --+--+--+--+
   |  | ... |  |  |\0|
   +--+-  --+--+--+--+
     ^        ^__ q moves from the
     |            end to the start
     p moves from
       start to the end

to reason about bits in a word:

   xxxx yyzz 00tt 11ss
   \    \ \  \ \  \ \__ storage registry
    \    \ \  \ \  \___ always set to 1
     \    \ \  \ \_____ temp value
      \    \ \  \______ always zeroed 
       \    \ \________ zero flag value
        \    \_________ y register
         \_____________ x address            

I used to do something similar for finite state machines too but they tended to be too complex (and time consuming to do) so I now directly embed the graphviz code into a comment. Even not knowing about GraphViz it should be easy to guess how to draw the FSM diagram.

digraph G {
  mode = hier

  LIMBO [style= filled];
    node [shape = ellipse];

    LIMBO   -> HEADER  ;
    HEADER  -> TUNE ;
    TUNE    -> LYRICS ;
    TUNE    -> CHORD [style=dashed ];
    TUNE    -> LIMBO ;
    GRACE   -> TUNE ;
    GRACE   -> CHORD  [style=dashed ] ;

  sep = 1.5

These cover the vast majority of diagrams I need. For more complex ones I use GraphViz or OpenOffice Draw.

like image 101
Remo.D Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 12:10


One of the most useful things I once have done was my application draw the graphs ...

In an application that had a complicated data structure specialized to the job (standard hashtable didn't do in that case ;-) I had my application output a ".dot" script that dot tool of graphviz could parse.

It did this by having a dump routine (okay, method, it was C++) that output the .dot header

 digraph g {

then walked my data structure and then wrote the footer


In the structure walk it wrote every pointer with


where Source was the memory address of the referencing object preprened with O (O213435354) and Destination was the object pointed to in the same format.

At the start of every object it also wrote

SOURCE [ .... ]  

with ... being the object data.

Whenever the application was at an "intersting" state I dumped the graph and then used the dot-tool from graphviz to visualize it. I have found a lot of pointer error quite easily that way, the eye is built to see regular structures in lines ...

By the way I still regularily use graphviz as it is quite nice to write & edit graphs with the text editor and let the tool vizualize them afterward. If I need to dress up .dot graphs for a powerpoint-spoiled audience, I load them into OmniGraffle on my mac. (And my PC-using coworkers think I have some diagramming superhero powers because with that combination I produce graphs 10 times faster than them when they use Visio)

like image 33
froh42 Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 11:10
