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How do you list ALL packages in Nuget

Is there a way to list all packages available through the NuGet command line interface.

When I use the following command:

Get-Package -Remote

In the package manager console, it only lists the first 100 packages.

Thank you


like image 773
Eric Ziko Avatar asked Jan 20 '11 07:01

Eric Ziko

2 Answers

Get-Package -ListAvailable   


Get-Package -ListAvailable -Filter NHibernate 
like image 182
frank.m Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


We enabled server side paging on the odata feed which has a page limit of 100. We've fixed the client in the next version of NuGet to get all packages even with the server limit. More info here http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/510

like image 29
davidfowl Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
