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How do you insert a newline in message body of mule logger component

Can anyone tell me how to insert a new line in the message of a mule logger component?

For example, I have the following in the message for the logger:

Payload is: #[payload] 
Inbound Headers:  #[headers:INBOUND:*] 
Outbound Headers:  #[headers:OUTBOUND:*]  
Exceptions:  #[exception]

I'd like to insert a new line after each of the above. I've tried just adding \n to the end of each line, but that didn't work.

like image 981
Gary Sharpe Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 17:03

Gary Sharpe

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1 Answers

we can you the below format

#['\n'] #['\n']  #['\n'] #['\n']  #[payload] #[System.getProperty('line.separator')]
like image 197
Lova Chittumuri Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Lova Chittumuri