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How do you increase the performance of highcharts chart creation and rendering

I have a file locally that has JSON formatted data. I have created little PHP script to echo out the the output of this file when call via AJAX. The data file's size is 59k. I followed the highcharts recommendation to disable animation and shadow. when I load the chart, it takes a very very very long time to render. I have pasted the script below. Any ideas what I can do to render this chart faster? As it stands, this is definitely not acceptable.

echo_file.php output looks like this:


this is the script:

$(document).ready(function() {

 var seriesOptions = [],
    yAxisOptions = [],
    colors = Highcharts.getOptions().colors;

function myAjax() {
                url: 'echo_file.php', 
                datatype: 'json',
                success: function(data) {


                cache: false    

setInterval(myAjax, 300000); 

   function createChart() {

        $('#container').highcharts('StockChart', {
            chart: {
                animation: false,
                shadow: false

            title : {
            text : 'CPU Utilization'

            plotOptions: {

            series: {
                lineWidth: 2

            rangeSelector: {
                enabled: true,
                buttons: [{
                        type: 'minute',
                        count: 60,
                        text: 'hourly'
                    }, {
                        type: 'all',
                        text: 'All'
            credits: {
                enabled: false
             xAxis: {
                type: 'datetime',
                ordinal: false


            yAxis: {
                labels: {
                    formatter: function() {
                        //return (this.value > 0 ? '+' : '') + this.value + '%';
                        return (this.value);


            yAxis : {
                title : {
                    text : '% CPU Utilization'

                plotLines : {
                    value : 70,
                    color : '#FFA500',
                    dashStyle : 'shortdash',
                    width : 2,
                    label : {
                        text : 'Threshold',

            scrollbar: {
                    enabled: true
            navigator : {
                adaptToUpdatedData: false


            tooltip: {
                pointFormat: '<span style="color:{series.color}">{series.name}</span>: <b>{point.y} </b>',
                valueDecimals: 2

            series: seriesOptions


like image 222
user1471980 Avatar asked Jul 09 '13 13:07


1 Answers

Highcharts just released a boost module that helps speed up charts with large amounts of data points. You need a modern browser to use this.


This is my highcharts options when I want to speed up rendering. It removes all animation, click events and tooltips.

    plotOptions: {
        area: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        arearange: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        areaspline: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        areasplinerange: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        bar: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        boxplot: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        bubble: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        column: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        columnrange: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        errorbar: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        funnel: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        gauge: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        heatmap: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        line: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        pie: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        polygon: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        pyramid: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        scatter: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        series: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        solidgauge: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        spline: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        treemap: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
        waterfall: { animation: false, enableMouseTracking: false, stickyTracking: true, shadow: false, dataLabels: { style: { textShadow: false } } },
    chart: {
        reflow: false,
        events: {
            redraw: function() {
                console.log("highcharts redraw, rendering-done");
        animation: false
    tooltip: {
        enabled: false,
        animation: false
    exporting: {
    credits: {
        enabled: false
like image 165
TWilly Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10
