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How do you export tables from phpMyAdmin as plain text table format?

I've been through most of the export formats and can't seem to find it.

I'd like to be able to export tables visually like in this answer:

id | name | name
1  | One  | Partridge
2  | Two  | Turtle Doves
3  | Three| French Hens
4  | Four | NULL
like image 832
Haroldo Avatar asked Apr 29 '10 15:04


People also ask

How do I export just the schema structure in phpMyAdmin?

Select the 'Custom' option, click 'Select All' above the list of tables that appears. Select the 'Save as File' option if you want to save the output, otherwise leave it as-is to copy and paste it. Under 'Format specific options', select the 'Structure' option. Click 'Go'.

What is export template in phpMyAdmin?

While exporting SQL from phpmyadmin these is an option to give the exported file some variables to be included in the name of the file itself ( and also save it like some sort of "template" under settings-->export ) , for example : __DB__ or @DATABASE@

1 Answers

That's the format you can get by running the query in command line, for instance :

mysql> SELECT user_ID, user_fullname FROM user;
| user_ID | user_fullname    |
|       1 | Marc             |
|       2 | Nicole           |
|       4 | Alexandre        |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If you can access to your server that's a quick way to get this layout. Otherwise i dunno how to do it with phpMyAdmin

like image 154
Christophe Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10
