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How do you execute a query in Sequel Pro?

I want to execute a query in a MySQL DB using Sequel Pro, but I do not see a Run button.

How do I execute my query?

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Nunyet de Can Calçada Avatar asked Nov 21 '15 15:11

Nunyet de Can Calçada

People also ask

How do I run a query workbench?

Open MySQL Workbench and connect to the database and set a default database. Then open an SQL editor by clicking on the menu File > New Query Tab or by pressing the key Ctrl+T. Then in the SQL editor type your query, for example, select * from customer, then press Ctrl+Enter to run the current query in MySQL Workbench.

2 Answers

Use +R to execute the selected Query.

Alternatively, use the dropdown that appears at the bottom right of the query editor and select Run Current or Run Previous depending on where your text cursor is.

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Bernd Buffen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Bernd Buffen

Based on Keyboard Shortcuts:

Run all queries R

Run current query or selection or R

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Lukasz Szozda Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09

Lukasz Szozda