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How do you do parallel matrix multiplication in Julia?



Is there a good way to do parallel matrix multiplication in julia? I tried using DArrays, but it was significantly slower than just a single-thread multiplication.

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Omar Abudayyeh Avatar asked Nov 26 '15 20:11

Omar Abudayyeh

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In Julia, we can do matrix multiplication on two variables with a Matrix data type. We can use the asterisk ( * ) operator for this purpose.

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Net. A matrix is a set of numerical and non-numerical data arranged in a fixed number of rows and column. Matrix multiplication is an important multiplication design in parallel computation.

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1 Answers

Parallel in what sense? If you mean single-machine, multi-threaded, then Julia does this by default as OpenBLAS (the underlying linear algebra library used) is multithreaded.

If you mean multiple-machine, distributed-computing-style, then you will be encountering a lot of communications overhead that will only be worth it for very large problems, and a customized approach might be needed.

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IainDunning Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09
