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How do you do anonymous classes in Coffeescript?

I have a working coffeescript/backbone idiom that looks like this:

SidebarWidgets = ((() ->
    SidebarWidgets = { }

    class SidebarWidgetPrototype extends Backbone.View
        initialize: (options) ->
            @template = $(options.templateId).html()
        render: () ->
            $(@el).html(_.template(@template, @model.toJSON()))

    class SidebarWidgets.user extends SidebarWidgetPrototype
    class SidebarWidgets.shoppingcart extends SidebarWidgetPrototype
    class SidebarWidgets.messages extends SidebarWidgetPrototype

class Sidebar extends Backbone.View
    views: ['user', 'shoppingcart', 'messages']
    initialize: (options) ->
        @subviews = { }
        _.each(@views,(v) =>
            subviews[v] = news SidebarWidgets[v](
                model: cxDatasets[v]
                id: 'sidebar-' + v
                templateId: '#sidebar-' + v + 'template'
    render: () ->
        _.each(@views, (v) =>

The intent of this idiom is to provide a list of backbone views that the sidebar view will then incorporate, while providing the opportunity (but not the necessity) to override or enhance one or more methods of a widget.

The thing that irks me is that, for those views that do not need modification, they still need to be named explicitly by the class syntax of Coffeescript.

Is there a way to create an anonymous class with the Coffeescript syntax? Can you say something like (the following is pseudocode):

thisclass = extend BackboneView
    initialize: (options) ->

If so, how?

like image 785
Elf Sternberg Avatar asked May 12 '11 18:05

Elf Sternberg

1 Answers

thisclass = class extends BackboneView
    initialize: (options) ->
like image 120
matyr Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10
