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How do you do a media query using SASS?



I've read through the SASS documentation and can only find how to do a media query using scss syntax instead of sass syntax (sass is the one that has strict white space without curly braces or semicolon). How do you do a media query using sass syntax?

like image 876
ender Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 02:03


People also ask

Can we use media query in Sass?

Another reason to write media queries with a preprocessor like Sass is that it can sometimes provide some precious help with the syntax, in particular when writing an expression with a logical or (represented with a comma in CSS).

How do I create a media query in SCSS?

To use the mixins, you need to create a file titled style. scss and then place it in the root folder for your project. Then execute this code on the command prompt for the compiler to read the scss file. This action automatically creates a new CSS file named style.

Where do I put media queries in Sass?

Some create a separate Sass partial named _mobile. scss or _tablet. scss for example. Some place media queries at the bottom of the relevant file in ascending or descending order and others just place them randomly between styles for other elements.

How do you write a media query?

There are generally two ways to write Media Queries—by using min-width or with max-width. So far, we have seen min-width in action. This approach activates Media Queries after a browser reaches at least that minimum width. So a query that uses min-width: 1000px applies when the browser is at least 1000 pixels wide.

2 Answers

It looks like a great place to use sass mixins.

You can use the sass @content to load inside everything within "brackets" (in my case within mixin use declaration indentions)

Here you have the sass mixin structure I use for handling media query. It is written in a way to give you freedom of implementation.

You can make some custom config preset and use it if that's what you want or you can customize it as you please. Even that you can find many different media query mixin handlers, I personally prefer to inject values into the mixins rather than define them within the mixing structure.

This is because of a couple of reasons. We can target device-specific width or height, or we could simply try to make it look good without width breakpoints. Sometimes this is simply more convenient and a better solution which is why we need a mixin that gives us full flexibility.


// mixin
=media($type1, $size1: null, $type2: null, $size2: null)
  @if ($type1) and ($size1) and ($type2) and ($size2)
    @media ($type1: $size1) and ($type2: $size2)
  @elseif ($type1) and ($size1) and not ($type2) and not ($size2)
    @media ($type1: $size1)
  @elseif ($type1) and not ($size1) and not ($type2) and not ($size2)
    $map: $type1
    @if map-has-key($map, "type2") and map-has-key($map, "size2")
      @media (#{map-get($map, "type1")}: #{map-get($map, "size1")}) and (#{map-get($map, "type2")}: #{map-get($map, "size2")})
      @media (#{map-get($map, "type1")}: #{map-get($map, "size1")})
  // ... add more conditions if aproppriate
    @error "Upsss...."


// width definition (optional)
$xs: "30em"
$s: "36em"
$m: "42em"
$ml: "48em"
$l: "54em"
$xl: "60em"
$xxl: "65em"

// options - types of restriction (optional)
$minw: "min-width"
$maxw: "max-width"
$minh: "min-height"
$maxh: "max-height"

// preset configuration (optional)
$mobile: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $s)
$tablet: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $m)
$laptop: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $ml)
$desktop: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $l)
$tv: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $xxl)
$wide: ("type1": $minw, "size1": $m, "type2": $maxh, "size2": $s)


@import variables
@import mixins

// use examples1 -------------- using variables
+media($minw, $xs)
    font-size: 1em
    padding: 0px

// use examples2 -------------- using both varible and string
+media($minw, "1000px")
    font-size: 2em
    padding: 10px

// use examples3 -------------- using strings only
+media("min-width", "62.5em")
    font-size: 3em
    padding: 15px

// use examples4 -------------- using predefind configuration   
    font-size: 4em
    padding: 20px
like image 23
DevWL Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10


I prefer to apply it only in certain properties for example

.jumbotron h1.pickup
    @include LATO
    font-size: 50px
    color: white !important
    @media (max-width: 767px)
        font-size: 36px
    @media (max-width: 500px)
        font-size: 30px
like image 114
David Felipe Camargo Polo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

David Felipe Camargo Polo