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how do you deal with timezone issues? [duplicate]

For a scheduling system, what's the best way to save the timezone of client/event in a central server database coming from multiple sources mobile,web,client app.

  • How do you store the dates? Alarms, reminders etc...
  • How do you handle the DST setting?
  • How do you handle the events if client has traveled to a different location?

I need the solution to work with all databases in tags.

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Pentium10 Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 15:01


People also ask

How does Java handle time zone issues?

The Right Way: TZDB Timezone ID The right way to handle DST in Java is to instantiate a Timezone with a specific TZDB Timezone ID, eg. “Europe/Rome”. Then, we'll use this in conjunction with time-specific classes like java.

How do you change timezone from one time zone to another in python?

Convert to new timezone using . astimezone() on the newly localized datetime/timestamp from step 2 with the desired timezone's pytz object as input e.g. localized_timestamp. astimezone(new_timezone) .

2 Answers

Everything in UTC, and another column for the offset.

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Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

These are the key points to the strategy I tend to use.

  • Every date is UTC internally to the system.
  • Users are shown dates in the their local timezone.
  • We allow users to override the timezone they are using in case they travel and they want to keep the timezone consistent.
  • Make the timezone easily visible. Either display it with the time or as part of the column header.
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Steve g Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Steve g