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How do you conditionally disable a form input in react?

I would like to disable the validated input if an item meets a certain criteria. In this case if a product has a promotion.

Ideally I would like to do something like this:


isDisabledInput {
  if(example.has_a_promotion) {
     return true

I am using react-bootstrap-validation.

like image 857
Ana Isabel Avatar asked Feb 21 '18 23:02

Ana Isabel

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1 Answers

This actually has nothing to do with react `per-say.

I have changed example to use the components state this will mean the ValidatedInput will re-render whenever the state is changed. This might not actually be necessary if example.has_a_promotion is correct when the component is rendered. So please change accordingly.

disabled is actually just a property that is passed down to the ValidatedInput component. Which means its value is just like any other js that is run when its wrapped with {}... so a simple if statement will do the trick.

       disabled={this.state.example.has_a_promotion === true ? true : false}
like image 128
Jamie Hutber Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Jamie Hutber