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How do you compose tasks in sbt?




I'm trying to build a custom task for building our project in our continuous integration environment. It is a set of steps along the lines of

  1. Send build started message to a chat room
  2. Compile templates
  3. Run npm tests
  4. Run jshint
  5. Compile
  6. Build application artifact
  7. Upload artifact to our deployment server
  8. Run tests
  9. Send test results to our deployment server
  10. Send build results message to chat room

Note that step 10 should be done if any steps fail, and the message should be customized depending on which step failed, e.g. if step 5 fails it should say "Compilation failed", if step 8 fails it should say how many tests were run and how many failed.

To make things extra interesting this is a multi project build, so when running tests and publishing results it should run all the tests and publish aggregated results.

To make things even more interesting, the npm tests, jshint and artifact only really make sense in the webapp subproject, where the Javascript lives and the web server resides.

I've been looking at sbt-release for inspiration, but I'm stymied on how to take the value produced by one task and use it in the next one, how to run tasks in aggregate and get the produced values (I see a method in Extracted to run aggregated tasks, but it doesn't give produced values), how to run tasks in a subproject and get the produced value, and how to do the error handling.

So far I've tried two approaches

npmTest.result.value match {                                                                    
  case Inc(inc) =>                                                                              
  case Value(res) => Def.taskDyn {                                                              
    (executeTests in Test).result.value match {                                                 
      case Inc(inc) =>                                                                          
      case Value(res) =>                                                                        

The problem with the above is that executeTests is always run, even if npmTest fails. And none of the printlns are executed.

 flatMap {-                                                                                       
   case Inc(inc) =>                                                                               
     task { println(inc) }                                                                        
   case Value(res) =>-                                                                            
     (executeTests in Test).result.                                                               
       flatMap {                                                                                  
         case Inc(inc) =>                                                                         
           task { println(inc) }                                                                  
         case Value(res) =>                                                                       
           task { println(res) }                                                                  

This one doesn't compile because (executeTasks in Test)... produces an Initialize[Task[Unit]] value and a Task[Unit] is required.

Is there a way to accomplish this with sbt?

like image 986
purefn Avatar asked Oct 03 '15 23:10


People also ask

Can sbt execute tasks in parallel?

By default, sbt executes tasks in parallel (subject to the ordering constraints already described) in an effort to utilize all available processors. Also by default, each test class is mapped to its own task to enable executing tests in parallel.

What does sbt compile do?

You use sbt compile && sbt package to compile and package the classes of your application (which by the way does not have to use Spark whatsoever). That jar file does not include the dependencies of your application so any dependencies have to be provided in some other way (and makes deployment a bit tricker).

Which is the correct way to add dependencies in sbt file?

Library dependencies can be added in two ways: unmanaged dependencies are jars dropped into the lib directory. managed dependencies are configured in the build definition and downloaded automatically from repositories.

1 Answers

I found a solution that allows you to use good old flatMap and map to compose tasks.

sealed abstract class Step[A] {
  def run: Def.Initialize[Task[Result[A]]]
  def map[B](f: A => B): Step[B]
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Step[B]): Step[B]

object Step {
  val thisProjectRef = settingKey(Keys.thisProjectRef)
  val clean = taskKey(Keys.clean)
  val compile = taskKey(Keys.compile.in(Compile))
  val assembly = taskKey(sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin.autoImport.assembly)

  private[this] def apply[A](task: Def.Initialize[Task[Result[A]]]): Step[A] =
    new Step[A] {
      val run = task

      def map[B](f: A => B): Step[B] =
        apply[B](Def.taskDyn {
          run.value match {
            case Inc(inc) => Def.task(Inc(inc): Result[B])
            case Value(a) => Def.task(Value(f(a)))

      def flatMap[B](f: A => Step[B]): Step[B] =
        apply[B](Def.taskDyn {
          run.value match {
            case Inc(inc) => Def.task(Inc(inc): Result[B])
            case Value(a) => Def.task(f(a).run.value)

  def task[A](t: Def.Initialize[Task[A]]): Step[A] =

  def taskKey[A](t: TaskKey[A]): Step[A] =

  def settingKey[A](s: SettingKey[A]): Step[A] =

Then you can define your tasks as

    rainicornPublish <<= {
      val result = 
        for {
          ass <- Step.assembly
          juri <- uploadAssemblyTask(ass)
          to <- runAllTests
          _ <- finish(ass, juri, to)
        } yield (ass, to)

      Def.task(result.run.value match {
        case Inc(inc) => throw new RainicornException(None)
        case Value(v) => v

And each task will happen in sequence, just as you would expect.

like image 75
purefn Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
