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How do you clear the Open Graph cache of an URL on Telegram?



When I send a new link on Telegram, it automatically reads Open Graph data of the URL and generates a preview of the page.

When the Open Graph data of the same page changes, though, Telegram doesn't update its preview: it has cached the old Open Graph data!

How do you clear the Open Graph cache?

Preview Example:

For the URL https://asp.net/ Telegram is reading the following tags:

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Microsoft"> <meta property="og:title" content="ASP.NET | Open-source web framework for .NET"> <meta name="twitter:image" content="https://dotnet.microsoft.com/images/redesign/social/large.png"> <meta property="og:description" content="ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript." /> 

And is generating the following preview:

enter image description here

like image 570
habiat Avatar asked Jan 10 '16 16:01


People also ask

How do I clear the Open Graph cache?

The Best Way to Clear Facebook's Open Graph CacheEnter your URL of the page, hit 'debug' and then on the next page, hit 'fetch new scrape information' or 'scrape again'.

How do I clear my Telegram cache?

On Android, this currently works with supergroups and channels (just tap and hold in the chats list, then 'Delete from Cache'). Available on iOS and Android (and coming to WindowsPhone soon), these simple settings help ensure that Telegram will only require the least amount of space on your devices.

Does Telegram use Open Graph?

Show activity on this post. When I send a new link on Telegram, it automatically reads Open Graph data of the URL and generates a preview of the page. When the Open Graph data of the same page changes, though, Telegram doesn't update its preview: it has cached the old Open Graph data!

What are link previews on Telegram?

Once you paste a URL to the message input field, Telegram will start analyzing the link and getting a preview for it. If you prefer to send a particular message without the preview, just tap the x to remove it. Rich link previews are now shown for most websites.

1 Answers

Use @webpagebot

You can send the link [up to 10] you want to update to this Bot and it will scan your site and generate the new image thumbnail, site name and description.

Note: You may need to restart your Telegram client to see the updates

Images are cached too. Update them the same way. Be sure they're specified using Open Graph but note you do not need to use the prefix attribute on your html tag to define the OG namespace.

Second solution:

Use a pattern like the following pattern for your web address:

http://{webpage address}?v={number} 

Then replace previous number with a new one to force telegram update og data.

For example use this:


Instead of:

like image 186
Ramin Bateni Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10

Ramin Bateni