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How do you change terminal font size in OSX withOUT changing the terminal window size as well?




In OSX, changing font size in terminal by hitting CMD and ('+' or '-') changes the window size as well. THis is annoying as I have to always resize the window back to the correct size.

Is there any way to keep the window size constrained during font size changing?

The workaround I have is to use a windows manager such as Moom to resize the window quickly after each font size change, but I'd love to know if I can eliminate the window re-sizing step altogether. Thanks!

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SamTalks Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 17:10


People also ask

How do you increase the font size of a Terminal window and console text?

1 Open the Windows Terminal app. 4 Click/tap on the Appearance tab on the right side. 5 Under Font size, type or select a number between 1 (smaller) to 128 (larger) points you want.

How do I make my Mac Terminal look better?

To do so, navigate to the Terminal's Preferences screen. From here, select the Profiles tab. This section will let you adjust the appearance of the Terminal window. You're able to change the background and text color, text-rendering options, font sizes and typefaces, the cursor type, selection color, and ANSI colors.

2 Answers

You can customize the Terminal preference settings to set the font size:

Preferences > Settings > [profile] > Text > Font

There is no built-in way to resize the text in an individual window without resizing the window: Terminal preserves the row and column counts whenever possible, since the terminal dimensions normally affect the behavior of programs running in the terminal.

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Chris Page Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Chris Page

In addition to the correct answer:

Propagate Terminal Settings after using CMD +/- or Resizing:

  • Simple Save Settings: Menu: Shell > Use Settings as Default
Stores the current terminal (with resized window and font) settings 
to the current profile. It *does* make that profile the default for
all future terminal windows, but this can easily be changed in the
Profiles tab under Menu: Terminal > Preferences.
  • Export Settings: Menu: Shell > Export
  • Import Settings: Menu: Shell > Import
Save the current terminal settings (Resized Window, Font, etc) to a 
saved profile and import as new profile.

Mass Assignment of Terminal Settings:

  • Menu: Terminal > Preferences > Profiles
  • Shift+click or CMD+click - select the profiles you want to mass-assign
  • Change the window size (on Window tab), font (on text tab) or any other supported setting
Enables quick changes to several Profiles

BONUS: Article on Various beautification tips at osxdaily

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Gabriel Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
