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How do you annotate the type of an abstract class with mypy?

I'm writing a library where I need a method that takes a (potentially) abstract type, and returns an instance of a concrete subtype of that type:

# script.py
from typing import Type
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClass(ABC):
    def abstract_method(self):

T = TypeVar('T', bound=AbstractClass)

def f(c: Type[T]) -> T:
    # find concrete implementation of c based on
    # environment configuration

f(AbstractClass)  # doesn't type check

Running mypy script.py yields:

error: Only concrete class can be given where "Type[AbstractClass]" is expected

I don't understand this error message and am having a hard time finding any documentation for it. Is there any way to annotate the function so that mypy will type check this?

As a side note, PyCharm's type checker, which is what I use the most, type checks f with no errors.

like image 706
Sune Andreas Dybro Debel Avatar asked Jan 19 '18 20:01

Sune Andreas Dybro Debel

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1 Answers

It does appear that mypy is a bit biased against using an abstract base class this way, though as you demonstrate there are valid use cases.

You can work around this by making your factory function a class method on your abstract class. If stylistically you'd like to have a top-level function as a factory, then you can create an alias to the class method.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClass(ABC):
    def abstract_method(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def make_concrete(cls) -> 'AbstractClass':
        find concrete implementation based on environment configuration
        return A()

class A(AbstractClass):
    def abstract_method(self):

# make alias
f = AbstractClass.make_concrete
x = f()
    reveal_type(x)  # AbstractClass

Note that, without more work, mypy cannot know which concrete class is created by the factory function, it will only know that it is compatible with AbstractClass, as demonstrated by the output of reveal_type.

Alternately, if you're willing to give up the runtime checking provided by abc.ABC, you can get something even closer to your original design:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from abc import abstractmethod

class AbstractClass:  # do NOT inherit from abc.ABC
    def abstract_method(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

class A(AbstractClass):
    def abstract_method(self):

class Bad(AbstractClass):

def f() -> AbstractClass:
    find concrete implementation based on environment configuration

b = Bad()  # mypy displays an error here:  Cannot instantiate abstract class 'Bad' with abstract attribute 'abstract_method'

x = f()
    reveal_type(x)  # AbstractClass

This works because mypy checks methods marked with @abstractmethod even if the class does not inherit from abc.ABC. But be warned that if you execute the program using python, you will no longer get an error about instantiating the Bad class without implementing its abstract methods.

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chadrik Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10
