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How do you add scrape targets to a Prometheus server that was installed with Kubernetes-Helm?


I have installed Prometheus on my Kubernetes cluster (hosted on Google Container Engineer) using the Helm chart for Prometheus.

The Problem

I cannot figure out how to add scrape targets to the Prometheus server. The prometheus.io site describes how I can mount a prometheus.yml file (which contains a list of scrape targets) to a Prometheus Docker container -- I have done this locally and it works. However, I don't know how to specify scrape targets for a Prometheus setup installed via Kubernetes-Helm. Do I need to add a volume to the Prometheus server pod that contains the scrape targets, and therefore update the YAML files generated by Helm??

I am also not clear on how to expose metrics in a Kubernetes Pod -- do I need to forward a particular port?

like image 818
Ismail Khan Avatar asked Aug 10 '17 12:08

Ismail Khan

People also ask

How do you add a target to Prometheus in K8s?

Just create a servicemonitor. yaml in the manifests folder. Since when we are deploying on K8s, we don't have access to the Prometheus. yaml file to mention the targets, we create the servicemonitor, which in-turn adds the target to the scrap_config in the Prometheus.

How does Prometheus scrape metrics in Kubernetes?

Prometheus uses service discovery to discover targets to scrape. Kubernetes clusters are equipped with labels, annotations, and a mechanism for tracking status and changes for different elements. To discover targets, Prometheus needs to use the Kubernetes API.

2 Answers

First of all, you need to create a Service Monitor, which is a custom K8s resource. Just create a servicemonitor.yaml in the manifests folder.

Since when we are deploying on K8s, we don't have access to the Prometheus.yaml file to mention the targets, we create the servicemonitor, which in-turn adds the target to the scrap_config in the Prometheus.yaml file. You can read about it more from here.

This is a sample servicemonitor.yaml file for exposing Flask App metrics in Prometheus.

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 
kind: ServiceMonitor 
  name: flask-metrics
  namespace: prometheus # namespace where prometheus is running
    app: flask-app
    release: prom  # name of the release 
    # ( VERY IMPORTANT: You need to know the correct release name by viewing 
    # the servicemonitor of Prometheus itself: Without the correct name, 
    #  Prometheus cannot identify the metrics of the Flask app as the target.)
      # Target app service
      app: flask-app # same as above
      release: prom # same as above
  - interval: 15s # scrape interval
    path: /metrics # path to scrape
    port: http # named port in target app
    - flask # namespace where the app is running

Also add this Release Label to the Services and Deployments file too, in the metadata and spec section.

If you encounter a situation where Prometheus is showing the Target but not the endpoints, take a look at this: https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/issues/3053

Some useful links:

  • How to create a ServiceMonitor for prometheus-operator?
  • https://blog.pilosus.org/posts/2019/06/01/prometheus-operator-no-active-targets/
like image 158
Avik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


You need to add annotations to the service you want to monitor.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'

From the prometheus.yml in the chart:

  • prometheus.io/scrape: Only scrape services that have a value of true
  • prometheus.io/scheme: http or https
  • prometheus.io/path: override if the metrics path is not /metrics
  • prometheus.io/port: If the metrics are exposed on a different port

And yes you need to expose the port with metrics to the service so Prometheus could access it

like image 33
lwolf Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
