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How do you actually see the html output during a functional test in rails


One of my assert_selects is driving me up the wall. Its failing and of course its telling me what it expected but Id like to see what was actually there on that page when it rendered to track down this bug.

Ive already tried using my browser and the app is behaving as it should but thats using development data.

Is there a command i can use to print the html to console or my test log?

like image 584
robodisco Avatar asked Dec 05 '09 06:12


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2 Answers

Just do

puts @response.body 

right before the problematic assertion and you should see the thing.

like image 177
Milan Novota Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Milan Novota

Webrat does this very thing with the command save_and_open_page.

like image 33
zetetic Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
