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How do source maps work over multiple, consecutive build steps?

I've tried googling, and there's some good info about how A-to-B source maps work, but I can't find any explanation of the logistics of A-to-B-to-C source maps.

For example, with Browserify it's possible to have input files of different types (like main.js, module-1.coffee, module-2.es6), and use transforms (coffeeify, 6to5ify) to modify data on the way in. The final bundle.js contains a huge inline data URI in a source map comment. And it works – if some line in bundle.js throws an error, then devtools shows me the original source file and line number, even if it's in a CoffeeScript module.

Can anyone help me understand the logistics of this... Do all the sourcemaps get 'collapsed' into a single source map at the end? Or does the browser devtools have to traverse a tree of source maps until it finds a file that doesn't have a source map comment? Or does it work some other way?

(Maybe this stuff is already well documented and I'm just googling the wrong terms?)

like image 437
callum Avatar asked Feb 02 '15 13:02


1 Answers

Yes, they're collapsed, as multilevel source maps are not standartized yet. It goes like this:

var gen = SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(new SourceMapConsumer(jsToMinMap));
gen.applySourceMap(new SourceMapConsumer(coffeeToJsMap));
var map = gen.toJSON();

Some more info in the previous topic on Stack Overflow.

like image 102
polkovnikov.ph Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
