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How do restore an existing repository using TortoiseSVN?



After my OS crashed, I've installed a fresh version (Windows 7 Pro x64).

I want to commit my project changes, so I need to restore my local repository to do this. Of course I have the all files located in my folder where was the repository before the OS crash, but of course TortoiseSVN doesn't know that there was a repository. How can I do it (I believe it is possible to restore that repository)?

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Tony Avatar asked Mar 02 '12 23:03


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How do I revert in TortoiseSVN?

If you want to undo all changes you made in a file since the last update you need to select the file, right click to pop up the context menu and then select the command TortoiseSVN → Revert A dialog will pop up showing you the files that you've changed and can revert. Select those you want to revert and click on OK.

How do I move my TortoiseSVN repository?

If you are using TortoiseSVN (and I'm sure there's a command line tool for this as well, but I'm using Tortoise), you can simply right-click on your existing working copy folder and select TortoiseSVN –> Relocate. In the dialog that comes up, enter the new location of the repository, and click OK.

1 Answers

If you still have your repository folder, intact with all the .svn subfolders, all you should need is installing TortoiseSVN itself after the OS reinstall. TortoiseSVN does not rely on anything outside the file system to identify working folders, so you should be able to just check in.

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Michael Teper Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11

Michael Teper