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How do remove a project in qt creator?




When I right click a project, the "Remove project" menu is disabled. Why?

I tried to remove the .pro file which gave me a confusing result.

  • First I got a message that I could not remove it.
  • Then I got a dialog asking if I also wanted to remove it from version control.
  • Finally, I got a messge that the file was gone, clicking it confirmed its non existence, it is still visible in the "projects" treeview however.
like image 738
Anders Lindén Avatar asked Feb 07 '23 10:02

Anders Lindén

2 Answers

You don't remove a project. You close it: File menu->Close Project. You can then delete the file or do whatever you want. I suggest that you acquaint yourself with qmake sufficiently to be able to manually create project files. They are really simple. A project file for a widgets-based project is quite trivial:

QT = widgets
CONFIG += c++11
SOURCES += main.cpp mywidget.cpp
HEADERS += mywidget.h
like image 53
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica Avatar answered Feb 09 '23 00:02

Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica

go to File>recent projects>clear menu. DONE!

like image 32
Martin Mtawali Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 23:02

Martin Mtawali