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How do lexical closures work?

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How does closure function work?

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). In other words, a closure gives you access to an outer function's scope from an inner function.

How does closure work in JavaScript?

A Closure is a combination of a function enclosed with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment). In JavaScript, closures are created every time a function is created at run time. In other words, a closure is just a fancy name for a function that remembers the external things used inside it.

What are closures give one example?

More JavaScript Closure example The greeting() function behaves like a function factory. It creates sayHi() and sayHello() functions with the respective messages Hi and Hello . The sayHi() and sayHello() are closures. They share the same function body but store different scopes.

What is difference between closure and lexical scope?

The lexical scope allows a function scope to access statically the variables from the outer scopes. Finally, a closure is a function that captures variables from its lexical scope. In simple words, the closure remembers the variables from the place where it is defined, no matter where it is executed.

Python is actually behaving as defined. Three separate functions are created, but they each have the closure of the environment they're defined in - in this case, the global environment (or the outer function's environment if the loop is placed inside another function). This is exactly the problem, though - in this environment, i is mutated, and the closures all refer to the same i.

Here is the best solution I can come up with - create a function creater and invoke that instead. This will force different environments for each of the functions created, with a different i in each one.

flist = []

for i in xrange(3):
    def funcC(j):
        def func(x): return x * j
        return func

for f in flist:
    print f(2)

This is what happens when you mix side effects and functional programming.

The functions defined in the loop keep accessing the same variable i while its value changes. At the end of the loop, all the functions point to the same variable, which is holding the last value in the loop: the effect is what reported in the example.

In order to evaluate i and use its value, a common pattern is to set it as a parameter default: parameter defaults are evaluated when the def statement is executed, and thus the value of the loop variable is frozen.

The following works as expected:

flist = []

for i in xrange(3):
    def func(x, i=i): # the *value* of i is copied in func() environment
        return x * i

for f in flist:
    print f(2)

Here's how you do it using the functools library (which I'm not sure was available at the time the question was posed).

from functools import partial

flist = []

def func(i, x): return x * i

for i in xrange(3):
    flist.append(partial(func, i))

for f in flist:
    print f(2)

Outputs 0 2 4, as expected.

look at this:

for f in flist:
    print f.func_closure

(<cell at 0x00C980B0: int object at 0x009864B4>,)
(<cell at 0x00C980B0: int object at 0x009864B4>,)
(<cell at 0x00C980B0: int object at 0x009864B4>,)

It means they all point to the same i variable instance, which will have a value of 2 once the loop is over.

A readable solution:

for i in xrange(3):
        def ffunc(i):
            def func(x): return x * i
            return func

What is happening is that the variable i is captured, and the functions are returning the value it is bound to at the time it is called. In functional languages this kind of situation never arises, as i wouldn't be rebound. However with python, and also as you've seen with lisp, this is no longer true.

The difference with your scheme example is to do with the semantics of the do loop. Scheme is effectively creating a new i variable each time through the loop, rather than reusing an existing i binding as with the other languages. If you use a different variable created external to the loop and mutate it, you'll see the same behaviour in scheme. Try replacing your loop with:

(let ((ii 1)) (
  (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)))
      ((>= i 4))
    (set! flist 
      (cons (lambda (x) (* ii x)) flist))
    (set! ii i))

Take a look here for some further discussion of this.

[Edit] Possibly a better way to describe it is to think of the do loop as a macro which performs the following steps:

  1. Define a lambda taking a single parameter (i), with a body defined by the body of the loop,
  2. An immediate call of that lambda with appropriate values of i as its parameter.

ie. the equivalent to the below python:

flist = []

def loop_body(i):      # extract body of the for loop to function
    def func(x): return x*i

map(loop_body, xrange(3))  # for i in xrange(3): body

The i is no longer the one from the parent scope but a brand new variable in its own scope (ie. the parameter to the lambda) and so you get the behaviour you observe. Python doesn't have this implicit new scope, so the body of the for loop just shares the i variable.

The problem is that all of the local functions bind to the same environment and thus to the same i variable. The solution (workaround) is to create separate environments (stack frames) for each function (or lambda):

t = [ (lambda x: lambda y : x*y)(x) for x in range(5)]

>>> t[1](2)
>>> t[2](2)