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How do interrupts work on multicore ARM cpu

This question has already been answered for x86 however, I couldn't find much about ARM MP cpus like Cortex-A9, Cortex-A15 etc...

More importantly i want to know if interrupts can be raised on non-primary cpu without any configuration etc.

I am working on a software which deals only with the primary cpu hence i put the rest in WFI state however I am unaware of how interrupts work on the MP arm cpus, Is it possible that the main cpu continues executing code and one of the secondary cpu picks it up and jumps to the instruction in vector table and execute that code ?

btw here is the code I'm using to put them to low power mode

    uint32_t reg;

    __asm__ volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c0, c0, 5" : "=r" (reg));
    reg &= 0xF;

    if(reg > 0)
        goto spin;

<code snipped>

        cpu_idle(); // cpu_idle -> wfi
like image 320
sgupta Avatar asked Aug 04 '12 19:08


People also ask

How are interrupts handled in ARM?

The ARM processor has two levels of external interrupt, FIQ and IRQ, both of which are level-sensitive active LOW signals into the processor. For an interrupt to be taken, the appropriate disable bit in the CPSR must be clear.

What can be the interrupts in multicore computers?

Multicore Arm chips often use the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) and also integrated interrupt controller that implements the Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC). This can be configured to deliver I/O interrupts to particular cores or groups of cores.

How are interrupts handled by the CPU?

Most modern general purpose microprocessors handle the interrupts the same way. When a hardware interrupt occurs the CPU stops executing the instructions that it was executing and jumps to a location in memory which either contains the interrupt handling code or an instruction branching to the interrupt handling code.

1 Answers

The short and for practical purposes correct answer is that what you ask for is not possible without some configuration being performed on the secondary cores...

The interrupt controller architecture is described (in quite some detail) in http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ihi0048b/index.html

To prepare the secondary cores to receive IPIs, you need to:

  • Enable the GIC Distributor (once, for the whole system)
  • Enable the GIC CPU interface (for each core)
  • Enable the IPIs you want to receive (for each core)
  • Set the priorities for each IPI you want to receive (for each core)
  • Ensure the CPU interface Interrupt Priority Mask Register (for each core) is set to priority level lower (higher number) than the interrupt priority you set above.
  • Clear the CPSR I-bit (for each core)

If you don't intend to implement an interrupt handler, skip the clearing of the I-bit. The core will come out of WFI and continue executing. That is normally what you want for a system boot operation.

like image 96
unixsmurf Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10
