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How do Image Click Event works on Xamarin Forms - iOS Apps?

I am relatively new to Xamarin Forms : iOS Apps. Just like any other Apps, I have to create an event on an Image. Home , Back , Account setting.

Whether these events are fired on Image Button Event ?

like image 700
goofyui Avatar asked Nov 19 '16 03:11


1 Answers

There is no click event for the image. You have to create a Tap Gesture Recognizer for the image.


<Image Source="imageName.png">
                NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />


void OnImageNameTapped(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //Code to execute on tapped event
        catch (Exception ex)
           throw ex;
like image 166
Himanshu Dwivedi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

Himanshu Dwivedi