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How do I validate members of an array field?

I have this model:

class Campaign

  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Timestamps

  field :name, :type => String
  field :subdomain, :type => String
  field :intro, :type => String
  field :body, :type => String
  field :emails, :type => Array

Now I want to validate that each email in the emails array is formatted correctly. I read the Mongoid and ActiveModel::Validations documentation but I didn't find how to do this.

Can you show me a pointer?

like image 863
Antonio Pardo Avatar asked Apr 14 '11 20:04

Antonio Pardo

People also ask

How do you validate an array?

you can call validate() method directly on Request object like so: $data = $request->validate([ "name" => "required|array|min:3", "name. *" => "required|string|distinct|min:3", ]);

How do you validate an array in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, we can check if a variable is an array by using 3 methods, using the isArray method, using the instanceof operator and using checking the constructor type if it matches an Array object. The Array. isArray() method checks whether the passed variable is an Array object.

What is validation in Ruby?

Validations are used to ensure that only valid data is saved into your database. For example, it may be important to your application to ensure that every user provides a valid email address and mailing address. Model-level validations are the best way to ensure that only valid data is saved into your database.

What is validate in rails?

Rails validation defines valid states for each of your Active Record model classes. They are used to ensure that only valid details are entered into your database. Rails make it easy to add validations to your model classes and allows you to create your own validation methods as well.

1 Answers

You can define custom ArrayValidator. Place following in app/validators/array_validator.rb:

class ArrayValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
  def validate_each(record, attribute, values)
    Array(values).each do |value|
      options.each do |key, args|
        validator_options = { attributes: attribute }
        validator_options.merge!(args) if args.is_a?(Hash)

        next if value.nil? && validator_options[:allow_nil]
        next if value.blank? && validator_options[:allow_blank]

        validator_class_name = "#{key.to_s.camelize}Validator"
        validator_class = begin
        rescue NameError

        validator = validator_class.new(validator_options)
        validator.validate_each(record, attribute, value)

You can use it like this in your models:

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  field :tags, Array

  validates :tags, array: { presence: true, inclusion: { in: %w{ ruby rails } }

It will validate each element from the array against every validator specified within array hash.

like image 114
Milovan Zogovic Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Milovan Zogovic