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How do I use the same object for multiple hooks in CodeIgniter?

I have the following hook config (in hooks.php)

$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array(
    'class'     => 'MY_DataCollection',
    'function'  => 'init',
    'filename'  => 'MY_DataCollection.php',
    'filepath'  => 'hooks'

$hook['post_controller'][] = array(
    'class'     => 'MY_DataCollection',
    'function'  => 'post_controller',
    'filename'  => 'MY_DataCollection.php',
    'filepath'  => 'hooks'

What I want to do is have the class instantiated in the post_controller_constructor and then have the init method run. Then for post_controller run the post_controller but using the very same instance. CodeIgniter is instantiating the class again however.

Next I tried something slightly clever I thought:

require_once APPPATH . 'hooks/MY_DataCollection.php';
$collection = new MY_DataCollection;

$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array(
    'function'  => array($collection, 'init'),
    'filename'  => 'MY_DataCollection.php',
    'filepath'  => 'hooks'

$hook['post_controller'][] = array(
    'function'  => array($collection, 'post_controller'),
    'filename'  => 'MY_DataCollection.php',
    'filepath'  => 'hooks'

That doesn't work, as the hook class in CI does a require and I get:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MY_DataCollection in /var/www/application/hooks/MY_DataCollection.php on line 7

So I got rid of the file path info:

require_once APPPATH . 'hooks/MY_DataCollection.php';
$collection = new MY_DataCollection;

$hook['post_controller_constructor'][] = array(
    'function'  => array($collection, 'init')

$hook['post_controller'][] = array(
    'function'  => array($collection, 'post_controller')

Doesn't even attempt to run, as in the CI_Hooks class there is this check in _run_hook:

if ( ! isset($data['filepath']) OR ! isset($data['filename']))
    return FALSE;

I think I'm going to have to override this function by extending this class, but I just can't believe that this situation hasn't been encountered by someone else before and that there's not any easier way of solving it.


like image 791
Gnuffo1 Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 14:03


1 Answers

Hmmz, it seems you need to store the instance of the needed class somewhere. Maybe you could do something like this:

class MyHooks 
    public static $object_you_need;

    public function init() 
        $object = new MyObject();
        self::$object_you_need = $object;

    public function post_controller()
        $object = self::$object_you_need;
        // do stuff with that object

Doesn't feel pretty, but I think it works.

like image 88
Alfred_P Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 05:03
