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How do I use Python to easily expand variables to strings?


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What is string interpolation Python?

String interpolation is a process of injecting value into a placeholder (a placeholder is nothing but a variable to which you can assign data/value later) in a string literal. It helps in dynamically formatting the output in a fancier way. Python supports multiple ways to format string literals.

How do you make a string dynamic in Python?

With the release of Python 3.6, we were introduced to F-strings. As their name suggests, F-strings begin with "f" followed by a string literal. We can insert values dynamically into our strings with an identifier wrapped in curly braces, just like we did in the format() method.

How do you format a long string in Python?

Use parentheses In Python, you can freely break the line in parentheses ( () , {} , [] ). Using this rule, you can write a long string on multiple lines with parentheses instead of backslashes. Since {} is used for set and [] is used for list , use () for such purpose. Note that tuple is created by commas, not () .

What's a nice idiom to do this:

Instead of: print "%s is a %s %s that %s" % (name, adjective, noun, verb)

I want to be able to do something to the effect of: print "{name} is a {adjective} {noun} that {verb}"