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How do I use LINQ to count number of objects in largest group?




How can I use LINQ to find the count of the largest group of objects in an object collection?

As an example:

struct MyObject
    public int SomeInt;
    public int GroupInt;

List<MyObject> ObjectList = new List<MyOBject>();

// populate list

int LargestGroup = ObjectList.GroupBy(x => x.GroupInt).Max().Count();

This doesn't seem to work for me, as it resulted in an error:

ArgumentException: At least one object must implement IComparable.

How can I correct this LINQ query (if it is wrong) or what should I look for to prevent this error if it is correct?

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JYelton Avatar asked Jan 18 '11 01:01


1 Answers

Your current query is trying to find the 'maximum group' and then subsequently retrieving that group's count. This clearly doesn't make sense; groups don't have any natural order, and there's no way for Enumerable.Max to know that you're interested in finding the group with the biggest Count.

What you probably want is:

int largestGroupCount = ObjectList.GroupBy(x => x.GroupInt)
                                  .Max(g => g.Count());

which uses the overload of Max that "Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum Int32 value."

One could view this as similar to:

int largestGroupCount = ObjectList.GroupBy(x => x.GroupInt)
                                  .Select(g => g.Count()) 

which creates a sequence by projecting each group to its count, and then finds the maximum of that sequence.

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Ani Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
