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How do I use JQuery to detect if a file input has a file selected? [closed]


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How can you tell if a file is canceled and clicked on input?

The easiest way is to check if there are any files in temporary memory. If you want to get the change event every time user clicks the file input you can trigger it. Show activity on this post. In my case i had to hide submit button while users were selecting images.

How check file is empty or not in Javascript?

length == 0) { alert("Please select a file!") } } We get our input element with document. getElementById() and check the length of the files property, which an input of type file has. If it's empty, we alert the user that no file has been selected.

How check input field is empty or not in jQuery?

To check if the input text box is empty using jQuery, you can use the . val() method. It returns the value of a form element and undefined on an empty collection.

How do you check $_ files is empty?

You can check if there is a value, and if the image is valid by doing the following: if(empty($_FILES['cover_image']['tmp_name']) || ! is_uploaded_file($_FILES['cover_image']['tmp_name'])) { // Handle no image here... }

And then alert the file name?