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How do I use fontello fonts?

According to one source, this is how I use Fontello fonts:

Now it's trivial to make a custom icon webfont, exactly for your needs. First, select the icons you like. Then update glyph codes (optional), and download your webfont bundle. Fontello generates everything you need and then you upload the bundle via this module's configuration page! It's that easy!

Okay. Now what? How do I invoke one of their icons on my webpage?

like image 956
Nancy Collier Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 03:06

Nancy Collier

People also ask

How does Fontello work?

Fontello is an online tool that lets you create your own custom icon fonts by packing vector images into web-fonts. It provides you with everything that's necessary to include graphics into your web pages without the need to actually code.

1 Answers

Inside the bundle, there is "font" folder and a "css" folder.

  1. Move the font folder into your project. Your project might look something like this:

    /project-root -- /stylesheets -- /images -- /javascripts -- /font 
  2. Include the Fontello css. Inside the "css" folder in the bundle, you'll see:

    [yourfontname]-codes.css [yourfontname]-embedded.css [yourfontname]-ie7-codes.css [yourfontname]-ie7.css [yourfontname].css

    For most cases, you will only need [yourfontname].css. Include that stylesheet in your project.

  3. Inside [yourfontname].css is the @font-face rule that imports the font. Make sure the paths to the fonts are pointing to the right place. By default, they will look in ../font/.

  4. To use your icons, add class="icon-ICON_NAME" to an element that you want to have an icon. You can see the list of icon names at the bottom of [yourfontname].css.

  5. Optional: Fontello puts a margin-right: .2em on the icon because it expects you to use the icon with text, but sometimes you might want a standalone icon. I like to use <i> tags for standalone icons, so I add the following rule to the bottom of the fontello css:

    i[class^="icon-"]:before, i[class*=" icon-"]:before {   margin: 0; }

    Now if you put class="icon-ICON_NAME" on an <i> tag, it will not have any unwanted margin.

like image 57
Ronen Ackerman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Ronen Ackerman