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How do I use ETag / If-Match with multiple items





The recommended way to handle optimistic locking in a RESTful interface seems to be by returning an ETag from the GET, and supplying an If-Match on the PUT, ie:

GET /items/1  --> gives client an ETag for a single item
PUT /items/1  <-- client gives it back as If-Match for checking

How do I use this scheme with multiple items, for example if I want to batch GETting multiple items from a single URI:

GET /items    --> How do I return multiple ETags for multiple items here? 

Alternatively, if ETags/If-Match don't cope with this situation, what's a recommended approach? Or should I just roll my own?

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stusmith Avatar asked Mar 23 '12 10:03


People also ask

What does it mean if-match w d14c91f83b4554b6?

1 If-Match: W/"d14c91f83b4554b6" Select the correct answer: The server should NOT include PATCH instructions in the Response body if the resource is semantically equivalent to the version referenced by the "d14c91f83b4554b6" ETag.

How do you use an ETag?

To use ETag for optimistic concurrency, we need to use the If-Match header. While sending a request to change the state (e.g. PUT), we should send the expected state version as the value of the If-Match header. The server should check if the ETag value is equal to the current one. If it equals, save succeed.

What does it mean when a PATCH request has the following header if-match?

The If-Match HTTP request header makes a request conditional. A server will only return requested resources for GET and HEAD methods, or upload resource for PUT and other non-safe methods, if the resource matches one of the listed ETag values.

How do I get an ETag value?

Generating ETag Value It can be created and updated manually or can be auto-generated. Common methods of its auto-generation include using a hash of the resource's content or just a hash of the last modification timestamp. The generated hash should be collision-free.

1 Answers

tl;dr: it's OK to assign etags to a resource that contains a "collection" but it is up to the app to manage the identification/change of the items in that collection when determining a valid etag.

A resource in the REST architectural style does not imply it is a single item or a collection. It simply represents the state of the application at a given point in a workflow. A resource will contain descriptive data and hopefully, links to possible next steps at that point in the workflow. The workflow could be as simple as get an order status or complex like ordering items on an eCommerce site complete with the ability to cancel the order.

An etag is a mechanism for determining whether a particular state (resource) is up-to-date or not. Assigning an etag to a resource that returns a collection of data means that your application is identifying that state of the collection items at that point and if anything in those items changes, the prior etag value would no longer be valid. It's up to your application to decide when collection items change and how to identify the individual items. In other words, etags apply to resources but not individual components of a given resource.

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Sixto Saez Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Sixto Saez