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How do I use Bootstrap.Tabs from ember-bootstrap project correctly?



I'm trying to use the Bootstap.Tabs component to create some bootstrap tabs.

I've declared the tabs as follows:

{{view Bootstrap.Tabs

And I'm using the following code to set up the content for the tabs.

App.ready = function() {
  App.tabsContent= Ember.A([{value: "cred_app.associate_clients", title: "Associate clients"}, {value: "cred_app.facilities", title: "Facilities"}]);    

Using this I can successfully render the bootstrap tabs.. and the route name pops up in App.selection.

I just don't understand how to get the links working, so that controller will transition to the route. I'd also like to get the active tab get the correct css applied to it so that the tabs show which route is currently being displayed.


I have implemented this using a more simplistic approach:

<ul class='nav-tabs'>
  {{#linkTo 'cred_app.associate_clients' model tagName='li' href=false}}
    {{#linkTo 'cred_app.associate_clients' model}}Client Hierachy{{/linkTo}}
like image 796
ianpetzer Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 03:10


2 Answers

You can do something like this: (using my derived Bootstrap.Tabs implementation)

{{#view Bootstrap.TabContainerView currentView="patient"}}
  <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    {{#view Bootstrap.TabView value="patient"}}<a>Patient</a>{{/view}}
    {{#view Bootstrap.TabView value="visits"}}<a>Visits</a>{{/view}}
    {{#view Bootstrap.TabView value="contacts"}}<a>Contacts</a>{{/view}}
    {{#view Bootstrap.TabView value="sessions"}}<a>Sessions</a>{{/view}}
   {{#view Bootstrap.TabPaneView viewName="patient"}}
     {{render "patient"}}
   {{#view Bootstrap.TabPaneView viewName="visits"}}
     {{render "visits"}}
   {{#view Bootstrap.TabPaneView viewName="contacts"}}
     {{render "contacts"}}
   {{#view Bootstrap.TabPaneView viewName="sessions"}}
     {{render "sessions"}}

or using the router:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  {{#view Bootstrap.TabItem item="patient"}}
    {{#linkTo "tab.patient" content}}Patient{{/linkTo}}
  {{#view Bootstrap.TabItem item="visits"}}
    {{#linkTo "tab.visits" content}}Visits{{/linkTo}}
  {{#view Bootstrap.TabItem item="contacts"}}
    {{#linkTo "tab.contacts" content}}Contacts{{/linkTo}}
  {{#view Bootstrap.TabItem item="sessions"}}
    {{#linkTo "tab.sessions" content}}Sessions{{/linkTo}}

the magic is done by the Bootstrap.TabItem, it gets the active state from the linkTo helper

Bootstrap.TabItem = Ember.View.extend({
  tagName: 'li',
  classNameBindings: ['active'],

  activeChanged: function () {
    var self = this;
    Ember.run.next(this, function () { //delay
      if (!self.isDestroyed) {
        self.set('active', self.get('childViews.firstObject.active'));
  }.observes('childViews.firstObject.active') //get the active state from the linkTo helper

now you only need a router, something like this:

App.Router.map(function (match) {
  this.resource('tab', { path: '/tab' }, function () {

a jsFiddle might help

like image 191
pjlammertyn Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 11:11


Please look at Bootstrap for Ember

It fully supports Pills & Tabs:


Showcase: ember-addons.github.io/bootstrap-for-ember

like image 25
asaf000 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 09:11
