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How do I use Autofixture (v3) with ICustomization, ISpecimenBuilder to deal with constructor parameter?

I'm trying to overcome a scenario in which a class has a string constructor parameter which cannot be satisfied by any old string generated by Autofixture (the Guid-y looking value).

Before you're tempted to answer simply with a link to Mark Seemann's Ploeh blog entry on Convention-based Customizations, let me say that I've been referencing it and other blog entries of his for this test, which I can't get to pass.

When I step through in debug, I can see that at some point the constructor parameter is passed in with the valid value, but the test still fails with the Guid-y Color value. I think this has something to do with the fact that there is both a 'color' parameter value, and a 'Color' property to be populated by Autofixture. Is it that I've written an ISpecimenBuilder that addresses the constructor parameter, but I'm testing the public property value (two different things)?

I know that all this is overkill for the example, but I envision a more complicated scenario in which using the Build<T>().With() method would not be DRY.

The Failing Test

    public void Leaf_Color_Is_Brown()
        // arrange
        var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new LeafColorCustomization());

        // act
        var leaf = fixture.Create<Leaf>();

        // using .Build<>.With(), test passes
        //var leaf = fixture.Build<Leaf>().With(l => l.Color, "brown").CreateAnonymous();

        // assert
        Assert.True(leaf.Color == "brown");


    public class Leaf
        public Leaf(string color)
            if (color != "brown")
                throw new ArgumentException(@"NO LEAF FOR YOU!");

            this.Color = color;
        public string Color { get; set; }

The CompositeCustomization implementation (I know the AutoMoqCustomization() isn't needed in this example)

    public class LeafCustomization : CompositeCustomization
        public LeafCustomization()
            : base(
            new LeafColorCustomization(),
            new AutoMoqCustomization()) { }

The Leaf-specific ICustomization

    public class LeafColorCustomization : ICustomization
        public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
            if (fixture == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fixture");

            fixture.Customizations.Add(new LeafBuilder());

The String-constructor-with-name-of-Color-specific ISpecimenBuilder

    public class LeafBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
        public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
            var pi = request as ParameterInfo;
            if (pi == null)
                return new NoSpecimen(request);

            if (pi.ParameterType != typeof(string) || pi.Name != "color")
                return new NoSpecimen(request);

            return "brown";
like image 574
Jeff Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 18:03


2 Answers

Solution 1:

Register that the Color writable property should not be assigned any automatic value as part of the post-processing:

internal class LeafColorCustomization : ICustomization
    public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
        fixture.Customize<Leaf>(c => c
            .Without(x => x.Color));

        fixture.Customizations.Add(new LeafBuilder());

Solution 2:

Make the Color property read-only:

public class Leaf
    private readonly string color;

    public Leaf(string color)
        if (color != "brown")
            throw new ArgumentException(@"NO LEAF FOR YOU!");

        this.color = color;

    public string Color
        get { return this.color; }

Since the Color property is read-only AutoFixture is not going to assign a value for it.

The above solutions apply also to AutoFixture 2.

like image 198
Nikos Baxevanis Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09

Nikos Baxevanis

Assuming you deal with the property setting stuff separately, here's a constructor argument restriction Customization which does the trick:

class BrownLeavesCustomization : ICustomization
    void ICustomization.Customize( IFixture fixture )
        Func<string> notBrownGenerator = fixture.Create<Generator<string>>()
            .SkipWhile( x => x == "Brown" )
                notBrownGenerator ) );

    static class ArgumentGeneratorCustomization<T>
        public static ISpecimenBuilder ForConstructorArgument<TArg>( string argumentName, Func<TArg> generator )
            return new ConstructorArgumentGenerator<TArg>( argumentName, generator );

        class ConstructorArgumentGenerator<TArg> : ISpecimenBuilder
            readonly string _argumentName;
            readonly Func<TArg> _generator;

            public ConstructorArgumentGenerator( string argumentName, Func<TArg> generator )
                Assert.Contains( argumentName, from ctor in typeof( T ).GetConstructors() from param in ctor.GetParameters() select param.Name );
                _argumentName = argumentName;
                _generator = generator;

            object ISpecimenBuilder.Create( object request, ISpecimenContext context )
                var pi = request as ParameterInfo;
                if ( pi == null )
                    return new NoSpecimen( request );
                if ( pi.Member.DeclaringType != typeof( T ) )
                    return new NoSpecimen( request );
                if ( pi.Member.MemberType != MemberTypes.Constructor )
                    return new NoSpecimen( request );
                if ( pi.ParameterType != typeof( TArg ) )
                    return new NoSpecimen( request );
                if ( pi.Name != _argumentName )
                    return new NoSpecimen( request );

                return _generator();
like image 23
Ruben Bartelink Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09

Ruben Bartelink