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How do I use a static variable in ES6 class?

I'm trying to use a static variable in es6. I'd like to declare a static variable count in Animal class and increase it. However, I couldn't declare a static variable through static count = 0;, so I tried another way like this:

class Animal {    constructor() {      this.count = 0;    }      static increaseCount() {      this.count += 1;    }      static getCount() {      return this.count;    }  }    console.log(Animal.increaseCount()); // undefined  console.log(Animal.getCount()); // NaN

I expected console.log(Animal.getCount()); to be 1, but it doesn't work. How do I declare a static variable and modify it by calling a method?

like image 382
Simon Park Avatar asked Jul 17 '18 12:07

Simon Park

People also ask

Can we use static variable in JavaScript?

We can use the static variable anywhere. The value of the static variable can be reassigned, unlike the constant variable. Why we create a static variable in JavaScript: We create a static variable in JavaScript to prevent replication, fixed-configuration, and it is also useful for caches.

How do you use static variables?

Static variables can be accessed by calling with the class name ClassName. VariableName. When declaring class variables as public static final, then variable names (constants) are all in upper case. If the static variables are not public and final, the naming syntax is the same as instance and local variables.

What is static method in es6?

Static methods are often used to create utility functions for an application.” In other words, static methods have no access to data stored in specific objects. Note that for static methods, the this keyword references the class. You can call a static method from another static method within the same class with this.

How do you declare private and static variables in classes JavaScript?

function MyClass () { // constructor function var privateVariable = "foo"; // Private variable this. publicVariable = "bar"; // Public variable this. privilegedMethod = function () { // Public Method alert(privateVariable); }; } // Instance method will be available to all instances but only load once in memory MyClass.

1 Answers

Your class has no static variables (if by static variable you mean static property). getCount returns NaN (after you call increaseCount) because Animal has no count property initially. Then increaseCount does undefined + 1 which is NaN. Instances created by new Animal have a count property initially, but Animal itself does not until you call increaseCount. this within a static method refers to the Animal class (constructor function) itself (if you call it via Animal.methodName(...)).

You could give Animal a count property:

Animal.count = 0; 

Live Example:

class Animal {    constructor() {    }      static increaseCount() {      this.count += 1;    }      static getCount() {      return this.count;    }  }  Animal.count = 0;    Animal.increaseCount();  console.log(Animal.getCount());  Animal.increaseCount();  console.log(Animal.getCount());

With the static class fields proposal (currently at Stage 3), you could do that declaratively with static count = 0; in Animal. Live Example (Stack Snippets' Babel configuration seems to support it):

class Animal {    constructor() {    }      static count = 0;        static increaseCount() {      this.count += 1;    }      static getCount() {      return this.count;    }  }    Animal.increaseCount();  console.log(Animal.getCount());  Animal.increaseCount();  console.log(Animal.getCount());

With the private static proposal (at Stage 3 and actively being implemented), you could even make count private:

class Animal {   constructor() {   }    static #count = 0;    static increaseCount() {     this.#count += 1;   }    static getCount() {     return this.#count;   } }  Animal.increaseCount(); console.log(Animal.getCount()); Animal.increaseCount(); console.log(Animal.getCount()); 

Stack Snippets' Babel config doesn't support that, but you can run it live in their REPL.

Side note: Using this within a static method to refer to the class (constructor function) is a bit tricky if there are subclasses, because for instance, if you had:

class Mammal extends Animal {} 

and then


this within increaseCount (which it inherits from Animal) refers to Mammal, not Animal.

If you want that behavior, use this. If you don't, use Animal in those static methods.

like image 165
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

T.J. Crowder