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How do I unset all fields except a known set of fields?

Suppose I have a single document in my mongo collection that looks like this:

    "_id": 123,
        "keep_field_1": "some value",
        "random_field_1": "some value",
        "keep_field_2": "some value",
        "random_field_2": "some value",
        "random_field_3": "some value"

I want to prune that document to look like this:

    "_id": 123,
        "keep_field_1": "some value",
        "keep_field_2": "some value"

However, my issue is that I don't know what the "random" field names are. In mongo, how would i $unset all fields except a couple of known fields?

I can think of a couple of ways, but i don't know the syntax.. i could select all field NAMES and then for each one of those unset the field. kind of like this:

[Some query to find all field names under "field_to_prune" for id 123].forEach(function(i) { 
    var key = "field_to_prune." + i;
    print("removing field: " + key);
    var mod = {"$unset": {}};
    mod["$unset"][key] = "";

    db.myCollection.update({ _id: "123" }, mod);

Another way I was thinking of doing it was to unset where the field name is not in an array of strings that i defined. not sure how to do that either. Any ideas?

like image 254
Donuts Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 21:10


People also ask

How do you unset multiple values in MongoDB?

db. collection. updateMany({name: null}, { $unset : { name : 1 }}); And we could do it in the same way for hobby and name field.

How do I get only certain fields in MongoDB?

You can select a single field in MongoDB using the following syntax: db. yourCollectionName. find({"yourFieldName":yourValue},{"yourSingleFieldName":1,_id:0});

1 Answers

Actually the best way to do this is to iterate over the cursor an use the $unset update operate to remove those fields in subdocuments except the known fields you want to keep. Also you need to use "bulk" operations for maximum efficiency.

MongoDB 3.2 deprecates Bulk() and its associated methods. So if you should use the .bulkWrite()

var count = 0;
var wantedField = ["keep_field_1", "keep_field_2"]; 

var requests = [];
var count = 0;
db.myCollection.find().forEach(function(document) { 
    var fieldToPrune = document.field_to_prune; 
    var unsetOp = {};
    for (var key in fieldToPrune) {     
        if ((wantedFields.indexOf(key) === -1) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(fieldToPrune, key ) ) {
            unsetOp["field_to_prune."+key] = " ";        
        "updateOne": { 
            "filter": { "_id": document._id }, 
            "update": { "$unset": unsetOp } 
    if (count % 1000 === 0) {   
        // Execute per 1000 operations and re-init  
        requests = []; 

// Clean up queues

From MongoDB 2.6 you can use the Bulk API.

var bulk =  db.myCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
var count = 0;

db.myCollection.find().forEach(function(document) { 
    fieldToPrune = document.field_to_prune; 
    var unsetOp = {}; 
    for (var key in fieldToPrune) {     
        if ((wantedFields.indexOf(key) === -1) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(fieldToPrune, key ) ) {  
            unsetOp["field_to_prune."+key] = " ";             
    bulk.find({ "_id": document._id }).updateOne( { "$unset": unsetOp } );         
    if (count % 1000 === 0) {
        // Execute per 1000 operations and re-init     
        bulk =  db.myCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); 

// Clean up queues
if (count > 0) { 
like image 139
styvane Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09
