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How do I uninstall MAMP Pro

Caveat: I'm still realatively new to the Mac and OS X.

I downloaded MAMP from mamp.info to install on my late 2012 iMac running OSX 10.8.5.

The installer gave me the choice of installing just MAMP or MAMP and a 2 week trial of MAMP Pro. After installation I saw the following applications had been installed: MAMP, MAMP Pro, MacGD8p, MySQLWorkbench, and Sequel Pro. I don't know which programs are part of a MAMP Pro "suite", and which come with the free version of MAMP. When I tried to fire up MAMP I saw this message:


The configuration software MAMP PRO is installed. We recommend to administer the server only via MAMP PRO, because a concurrent use of both programs can lead to unexpected results”

I didn’t allow MAMP Pro to initialize it’s components and I want to uninstall it and all other applications that are part of the MAMP PRO suite. I read the uninstall instructions at mamp.info here: http://documentation.mamp.info/en/mamp-pro/installation/uninstall. In this document an uninstaller is referenced which can be found in the “installation image of MAMP PRO”. However, what I downloaded from mamp.info was an installer, not a DMG file, so I don’t know what image they’re referring to. Also, none of the other programs that were installed were referenced in this document.

I also found a previous question on this forum here: Uninstalling MAMP PRO from my mac but it’s over three years old, and again none of the other programs that were installed were referenced.

How should I proceed?

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user3634831 Avatar asked May 14 '14 05:05


People also ask

How to uninstall MAMP on windows?

Use the Uninstaller located in MAMP PRO, with MAMP PRO open, go to the menu, MAMP PRO > Uninstall. This will completely uninstall MAMP and MAMP PRO. Throw your "/Applications/MAMP" folder in the trash. Download a new version of MAMP PRO and install.

What does Mamp Pro do?

MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional frontend for the classic local server environment: MAMP. With MAMP PRO you can create a separate host for each of your web projects. You can install WordPress and other Extras like Joomla or Drupal with just a few clicks.

1 Answers

You should have two folders in your Applications Folder. One will be MAMP and the other MAMP PRO. Inside the MAMP PRO folder you will find the uninstaller for MAMP PRO. Just double click and your on your way. It will leave MAMP behind for you, which is the free version.

like image 74
Don Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09
