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How do I undo True = False in python interactive mode? [duplicate]

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How do you change true to False in Python?

You can convert True and False to strings 'True' and 'False' with str() . Non-empty strings are considered True , so if you convert False to strings with str() and then back to bool type with bool() , it will be True .

Is False == False Python?

In Math a = b = c mean all a = b , b = c and a = c . So True is False == False means True == False and False == False and True == False , which is False . For boolean constants, is is equivalent to == . Actually, a is b == c only means (a is b) and (b == c) : a and c are not compared.

Why is true and False False in Python?

In Python, the two Boolean values are True and False (the capitalization must be exactly as shown), and the Python type is bool. In the first statement, the two operands evaluate to equal values, so the expression evaluates to True; in the second statement, 5 is not equal to 6, so we get False.

How does Python detect true and False?

You can check if a value is either truthy or falsy with the built-in bool() function. According to the Python Documentation, this function: Returns a Boolean value, i.e. one of True or False .

You can simply del your custom name to set it back to the default:

>>> True = False
>>> True
>>> del True
>>> True

This works:

>>> True = False
>>> True
>>> True = not False
>>> True

but fails if False has been fiddled with as well. Therefore this is better:

>>> True = not None

as None cannot be reassigned.

These also evaluate to True regardless of whether True has been reassigned to False, 5, 'foo', None, etc:

>>> True = True == True   # fails if True = float('nan')
>>> True = True is True
>>> True = not True or not not True
>>> True = not not True if True else not True
>>> True = not 0

Another way:

>>> True = 1 == 1
>>> False = 1 == 2

For completeness: Kevin mentions that you could also fetch the real True from __builtins__:

>>> True = False
>>> True
>>> True = __builtins__.True
>>> True

But that True can also be overriden:

>>> __builtins__.True = False
>>> __builtins__.True

So better to go with one of the other options.