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How do I undo the last Add-Migration command?

I have created a migration using the Add-Migration command, but I'd like to change the name of that migration. How can I undo the migration command, so that I can regenerate it using the new desired name?

Is it just a matter of deleting the generated files, or this could be a bad idea?

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Miguel Angelo Avatar asked Jan 23 '14 15:01

Miguel Angelo

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2 Answers

If you haven't used Update-Database you can just delete the migration file. If you've run the update you should roll it back using Update-Database -TargetMigration "NameOfPreviousMigration" then delete the migration file.



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Colin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


If you haven't executed the migration yet with Update-Database, you can run Add-Migration again with the same name (you may need to use -Force) to re-execute the scaffolding. This is noted in the output of the Add-Migration command.

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Adrian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10
