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How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010?

It seems wherever my mouse is in my code window it will bring up tooltip information about what's under it, this I find very distracting and quite annoying. Can anyone tell me how to turn off the tooltips in the editor?

EDIT: Clarification, for C#

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Brett Ryan Avatar asked Nov 09 '10 04:11

Brett Ryan

People also ask

How do I disable Vscode tooltips?

Type “editor. hover. enable” into the search field then check/uncheck the checkbox associated with “Controls whether the hover is shown.” to enable/disable the suggestion tooltip on hover.

How do I enable Tooltips in Visual Studio?

Ctrl+Space opens the IntelliSense dropdown list, but pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space inside the brackets of the method call gets the tooltip.

1 Answers

I created an extension that disables quick info for C#: DisableQuickInfo.vsix.

The source is pretty simple, just a quick info source that immediately dismisses the session it gets. You can modify it pretty easily to apply to any language, if you have the SDK installed. Let me know if you want help with that.

Original answer, for C/C++:

What language? For C/C++, for example, you'd set Tools->Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Advanced->Auto Quick Info to False. I think it's one of the few languages you can disable it for.

(It's called "Quick Info", for future reference)

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Noah Richards Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10

Noah Richards