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How do I tell Mutt to not store sent messages?



I'm trying to figure out how to disable storing sent messages in Mutt.

Is there a record value in .muttrc that would make it happen?

like image 770
John Smith Avatar asked Nov 26 '12 18:11

John Smith

People also ask

How do you exit a command in mutt?

Ctrl-G will exit from all mutt prompts.

Where is Mutt configuration file?

The configuration file for mutt is located at each users home directory as ~/. muttrc.

How do you read a mutt?

After you enter the password, Mutt will display a list of messages in your Inbox. The Inbox index screen looks something like this: To navigate to a particular message, use the up and down arrows on your keyboard. Once you navigate to a particular message, you can read that message by pressing the space bar.

1 Answers

There's the copy option to control if copies of messages you sent are saved. It's a quadoption, so can be set to no (which would accomplish what you want), yes to save messages automatically, as well as ask-yes or ask-no to have it ask on each message with you being able to choose the default.

like image 160
qqx Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
