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How do I take a screenshot on a Raspberry Pi running Debian Squeeze and LXDE? [closed]

Noob question...

But shutter not installed, print screen doesn't appear to work, screen grab not installed etc.

like image 410
Dycey Avatar asked May 14 '12 10:05


2 Answers

This can be achieved with ImageMagick. Install by running the command

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

To grab all desktop just type

import -window root screen.png

Or you can do it with a delay of 5 seconds

sleep 5; import -window root screen.png
like image 100
pmalheiros Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


For a lighter weight screenshot tool, use scrot

sudo apt-get install scrot

To take a screenshot, at the terminal, just type


To take a screenshot after, say, 5 seconds

scrot -d 5
like image 40
Terence Eden Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Terence Eden